Thigh Lift Recovery

Update 16/09/2018


Naravee Aesthetic Clinic offers thigh lift surgery as one of the procedures you can have done. As you might expect, there will be some recovery time after the procedure is done. Before having a thigh lift done, it may help to learn some of the things you may experience when it comes to recovering from the surgery.
For the first several days after the surgery, you should expect soreness and tenderness in your thighs. They may be sensitive to sitting and bending, so you might want to avoid either as much as you can. If you have to sit down, make sure you sit down on something soft, perhaps even picking up a donut seat cushion. You can discuss with the surgeon any pain medications you may want to take to help with any pain your experience. You may also wish to use ice packs on your thighs in the event of swelling.

It is important to avoid placing too much stress on your thighs during your recovery period, as that could lead to more pain, a longer recovery period, or even opening your incision spots. Try not to do too much walking, as that may lead you to being sore for most of the day. You should also avoid strenuous activities such as exercise. It should take about one or two weeks of recovery time before you can begin slowly becoming more active, though you should consult with your doctor for the exact timing. And if you are experiencing any problems when you start becoming active again, let your doctor know and cut back on the activities you are doing.
You may also wind up wearing a compression garment during your recovery period. These garments apply pressure to your legs, increasing the blood flow to them. This helps in the healing process, and may also help to reduce any pain you might be experiencing after your surgery. It is possible that the surgeon will give you a garment to wear, but in the event they do not, garments can usually be bought online or at medical stores. If you are going to wear one, you should consult with your doctor about the strength of pressure the garment should be for the best results.
If you are looking for Cosmetic surgery in Thailand please visit Naravee Aesthetic Clinic.



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