Preparing for Dermabrasion

Update 16/09/2018


Dermabrasion isn't quite as intensive as some other plastic surgery procedures, but there is still some planning that goes into the preparation for having it done. Having an idea of certain things you should do prior to the surgery can help make getting ready for it a smoother process.
Come up with a list of questions that you can ask the surgeon during the consultation. Things like the surgeon's experience with dermabrasion, the expected recovery time, medications you might need, and details on the actual procedure, as a few examples. Don't be embarrassed about writing these things down and taking the list with you to the consultation so you can be sure not to forget to ask something really important to you during the consultation.

There are certain things you may be asked leading up to your dermabrasion. For starters, if you are a smoker, it is likely that you will be asked to stop smoking for one or two weeks prior to the procedure. Smoking can slow down the blood flow in your skin, which can cause complications, especially after you have the dermabrasion. For example, it can slow down your skin's natural healing process. As a result, you may be asked to smoke for a couple of weeks after the surgery, as well. You may also have to stop taking certain types of medicines, especially if you are taking any type of blood thinners. Again, this is so you can have optimal blood flow for the skin on your face before, during, and after the dermabrasion.
Get your post-procedure planning done before having the procedure. Make sure you have set aside time off of work to allow yourself time to heal. You will likely have swelling on your face, so make sure you have plenty of ice packs that you can apply to your face. Also, make sure you have someone to drive you to and from the appointment, as it would be dangerous to drive yourself home. Depending on how severe the swelling and pain are, eating may be difficult, so stack up on soft foods that are easy to chew.
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