How Breast Construction Helps Women With Breast Cancer Feel Feminine Again

Update 16/09/2018


Those who lack knowledge or the ability to perform basic research like to paint cosmetic surgery as ‘vain’ and ‘unnecessary’ without realizing what they’re saying is completely false. Try telling a woman recovering from breast cancer than breast reconstruction is something they are undergoing for the sake of vanity.

Modern society likes to use words such as ‘sexy’, ‘confident’ and ‘beautiful’ to describe women in TV shows, movies and magazines. The pressure placed on ‘regular’ women to achieve these unattainable standards is enormous. Can you imagine how women recovering from breast cancer feel? As breast tissue needs to be removed along with the cancerous growth, those looking to start all over have to do so without something deemed to be the definition of femininity by society and the media.

Feeling Feminine Again
Women who have survived breast cancer often erroneously believe this result comes with the loss of their femininity as further punishment. Those who undergo mastectomies may feel as if their womanhood has gone forever as the stress of chemotherapy causes them to wear breast prostheses and along with wigs to cover the loss of their hair.

Thanks to innovations in the field of cosmetic surgery in Thailand however, it is now possible to undergo breast reconstruction surgery to regain your feminine shape. It is part of a long process that ultimately helps you feel like the woman you once were. Although femininity means something different to everyone and it will take time for you to redefine what it means to you, breast reconstruction can help kick-start the journey.

Women are flocking to Thailand because world class facilities such as the Naravee Aesthetic Clinic in Bangkok offer breast reconstruction for a fraction of the price of what women can expect to pay in Western countries.  




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