Is a face lift procedure right for you?

Update 16/09/2018


How do you know if a face lift procedure is right for you?

With so many facial rejuvenation options available in Thailand, determining which procedure will best address your personal cosmetic concerns can be a challenge. Face lift procedures are one of the most common plastic surgeries performed in Thailand. In order to know if a face lift procedure is right for you, you need to understand what happens during a face lift procedure.

Before you decide to have a face lift procedure in Thailand, you should think carefully about your expectations as well as possible risks, and discuss them with your surgeon. There is actually no set age for getting a face lift procedure and it greatly depends on the individual. Depending on your age, skin elasticity, and aging process, the specific type of face lift will be determined. For those who have some excess or sagging skin around the jawline, a mini face lift procedure has often proved to be an excellent option.

The face lift procedure itself can take three to four hours and uses local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. The incision begins just above the ear and continues around the ear lobe to the back of the ear. Face lift surgery is appropriate for many men and women who are bothered by symptoms of aging, especially in the lower two-thirds of the face, from below the eyelids to the neck. A face lift procedure is designed to tighten the skin around the face and neck, giving a tighter, more youthful appearance to your face and neck. The most common procedures are rejuvenation of the eyebrows and eyelids. A side benefit is that many patients experience increased self-confidence.

The Naravee Aesthetic Center in Bangkok, Thailand is one of the world’s finest plastic and cosmetic surgery centers. We offer our patients a friendly, relaxing atmosphere with private rooms and attentive staff. Our team of surgeons and nurses have many years of experience with all types of face lift procedures.

If you are interested in a Face Lift procedure in Thailand please visit

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